10 Tips to rank on Google in 2020

Discussion about improve ranking and rank higher on Google

As we all know if we have to rank on Google. So for that we have to take care of many things.
Once I heard a joke that if you want to hide a dead body, then the best place is the second page of Google. If seen, these things are also true to a great extent. According to a Google article, only 0.78% of the searches go to see results on the second page of Google. So in such a situation, it is important that if you drive traffic to your website, then you have to rank on the 1st page of Google. Otherwise you will lose a lot of traffic on your site.

So this article totally all about higher ranking. Especially how to get your website first, second, third or 4th number on Google. Stayed with Digital Anki – Best SEO Expert in Gurgaon.

1. Be mobile-friendly website
2. Load Decently Fast in Seconds
3. Have clear navigation and UX
4. Be secure using HTTPS
5. Be free of other glaring Tech SEO issues
6. Have well-written content on site

All these things should be fixed inside a website. If you are thinking that only by doing all this your website will start ranking in Google. So it is not so. But if you implement all these things on your website, then it will definitely help in ranking your website.


So let’s start: Rank on Google

Source: http://digitalanki.com/10-steps-to-improve-your-ranking-on-google-and-rank-higher-on-google-in-2020